Dubai, UAE – 29 january 2024

Premier Update CS2 New Season 2 Premier is live!

How To Get Premier Medal CS2

Season 1 has officially ended and if you haven’t gotten a rank before that, you can no longer be eligible for the cs2 premier medal for season 1, and if you have participated in season one, you will be getting a medal directly in your inventory for display however worry not, second season is out, and valve has currently reactivated premier matchmaking in counter strike 2 starting 29/01/2025 up until the ending of the Austin Major end

When is CS2 Premier Live?

If you are wondering when might season 2 premier launch, cs2 has been updated for season 2 premier with a rank reset starting 29/01/2025, that’s an update on Wednesday 29th of Jan.

Is Vertigo Removed From CS2 Map Pool Premier?

Yes Vertigo is removed officially from premier matchmaking and competitive esports in the counter strike scene, the official replacement for vertigo will be non other than train having scene mixed reviews from the community in the recent pro play, overall, the players and community rather have vertigo removed.

New CS2 Weapons?

There is no new weapon in CS2, we all know what happened when the revolver got released, but who knows maybe VALVE is cooking something for the future, however the iconic Famas which is a unique rifle since early counter strike days that has an option to burst fire with right click got an update, slight adjustment to its recoil pattern and the price is now $1950 as opposed to its competitor the Galil AR which is $1800

New CS2 Famas Spray Pattern Recoil

There has also been price fixes to the m4a1-s and m4a4 to both equal $2900 as VALVE likes to say the M4A4 is more... A4-dable..

SMG Nerf

Reduced crouching accuracy for the MP9. MP5 & MP7, will this bring back the p90 era?

Other CS Rifles

Adjusted the scoping mechanism on the AUG/SG to make it more useable at range

How To Participate In Premier Season 2 CS2

Before the end of the upcoming Austin Major you will have to win 10 matches to earn your new rating after re calibrating your previous rank based on your performance, we still yet to see a new VAC system, however things are moving in the right direction, and it seems there will be seasonal updates after every major, just like how we had this one after the cs2 shanghai perfect world major

New Armory Exclusive Skin CS2

Unfortunately, still there is no new armory skin collection or an exclusive skin that will replace the empty slot prior to the desert eagle heat treated, however we might be surprised at a random time and see a new skin in the armory or we might not, you know VALVE we might get a Kilowatt 2 case by the end of the first week to celebrate the launch of premier season 2
New Premier Stats Feature

This feature that has been added to CS2 is a very cool feature, it is like your personal counter strike diary that showcases your performance throughout the season, and you can access it by clicking on your medal, this enables you to see various personal performance for that specific season including

  • Rank History
  • Win Rate%
  • Kills
  • Deaths
  • Assists
  • Rounds
  • KD
  • KPR
  • HS%
  • MVPs
  • ACES
  • 4k | Quad Kill
  • 3k
  • Matches Played Per Specific Day

The community is excited for this cs2 premier update it shows there is progress and improvement towards the game, will this be the start of a new counter strike era.
