Dubai, UAE – 15 JAN 2024

CS2 Mini Update, Armory Changes, Sticker Capsules & bugs

New CS2 Update Jan 15

This short CS update features some changes to the Armory pass, a discount on the sticker capsules as well as some short bug fixes.

New Armory Limited Edition Item

So far this CS update only removed the Desert Eagle Heat Treated Limited Edition Item, many players were anticipating a new skin to replace it however it has only been removed after the countdown has ended for it and now is no longer purchased in game, unlike other skins that can be unboxed from cases throughout the history of the game at any time, this skin as suggested is a limited edition Deagle skin which is very similar to the case hardened skin line giving it another rarity feature than it already is.

Shanghai Major Sticker Capsules Discount is Out

Just like every major after it has ended for a while for those who know and want to stack up on sticker capsules that might go up in price in a few years for example the katowice 2014 holo stickers the more the years go buy the more expensive these stickers get, in CS2 however the sticker design have been improved way too drastically and many people have caught on to this trend and are stacking up their inventories with stickers, and because of that the supply after the stickers are no longer purchasable in game will still remain very high, however this is not a financial advice, but rather letting people know that the discounts are on!
Finger Placement Inspect Animation For Huntsman Fixed
For you knife collectors or CS2 players who value detailed updates, there has been a short update that makes the animation for the huntsman knife be smoother in terms of where the fingers are placed as indicated in the image below on the Huntsman Marble Fade
Other CS2 Bugs & Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where grenade icons weren't disappearing on the spectator map
  • Fixed a case when spectator icon could show up at the wrong time on the radar
  • Fixed a bug related to changing inspect scenery while inspecting knives