Dubai, UAE – 23 JAN 2024

CS2 Latest Update, What's Next?

New CS2 Update Released on Jan 22

A new operation coming in for Counter Strike in 2025 ? No, not quite yet, just a very small update that VALVE has given us which is great initial steps towards the bigger update that we are anticipating, this has been an exciting run ever since the shanghai Majors with discounted stickers on the market, waiting for a new limited edition skin for the armory collection and so forth, bellow is the latest update for cs2.

  • Minor performance optimization for some CPU-bound cases.
  • Follow recoil setting during spectating will now obey spectator target's crosshair setting if target's crosshair is shown.
  • Added support for updating existing map annotations on Steam Workshop. For example use "workshop_annotation_submit 123456" to update your submission ID=123456 found in the workshop URL. Passing an ID that does not belong to you will create a brand new submission. After the first update the ID will get embedded in the annotation file and you can submit more changes without having to provide the ID again.

What is Follow Recoil Setting in CS2?

Apparently, this new update allows you to see exactly the settings of the player you are spectating instead of a mirrored version of your settings.

Overall these are some minor updates towards a bigger picture for counter strike and definitely helps grow the community
